What should “WE” be doing?

We are six months into 2024 and my thoughts have been on a few things.

However, I have noticed that most of the popular ideas and conversations are still in a light that is dim and very skewed. What I am writing / expressing is not long. It is not meant to divide, but simply to spark thought, conversation and hopefully change among us as a people.

Right now, believe it or not, whether you were raised to believe or not, we are in the last days. The events and things happening around us have been spoken of biblically. Yet, we sleep as we walk around as if we have all the time in the world. If I were to die today, I would die in my sins or that state of my sins( Revelation 22:11″ He that is unjust, let him be unjust still, and he that is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still, and he that is holy, let him be holy still”). We are so invested in instant access, being connected to our ancestors, and other pursuits that we have forgotten our God. 

Now I know many of you have Stopped reading at this point possibly. I pray God is with you, that he heals what is broken, and that your life is blessed all the more for it. If you are still here, well let me say this, All I say is out of love. Not just because I want to say whatever is on my mind, it’s because I struggle with what I speak of to you and it’s only through the cleansing of the Holy Spirit that I can say these words with assurance that this is the time for you to decide what you shall and will do with the Time that God has given?

What should we be doing?

So this article if I had to give it an official title, it would be Step One: What should I be doing right now…. Like Now!!!

To answer that question would be to pose another question which is, What takes up your time?

Is it a relationship, your job, your children, your passions, or aspirations?

Then, What time is left for you to seek God?

If you are like me or like most people, we get up, we work, we take care of our kids, and in between we are attached to that thing that occasionally rings. It is used more so to scroll.

Yeah, you guessed it, the phone. The first step to help know what we are supposed to be doing is to know what you were created for in the first place.

So in the Beginning God spent 7 days creating the Earth, The animals, and Man. 

He created us to be #1, in his Image.

Let’s rest on this for the remainder of this article. His image. 

When we wake up, what do we see? Who do you see?

When I was coming up, I didn’t like what I saw. The reason was that if I looked more like my dad, I thought he would be with me more and involved in my life. My character would match my appearance. 

My great-grandfather, who raised me, would call me Oreo. Black on the outside, White on the inside. This statement had a deeper effect because I am mixed race; I look a little like my dad but our skin complexion is no comparison. My dad on earth is White with Gray/ Bluish eyes and Blonde hair. I am a Caramel shade in skin tone and my hair is thin and does not hold curls or heat.  So I was not always a lover of my image when I woke up as a kid and even up until 2017.

I thought that was the issue. The crazy thing is, It was never my image to start with.

Genesis 1:27

“ So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”  We have to remember whose image we have been created in and know why we were created. 

We were created to give God Glory. In your spare time, I encourage you to study and read these scriptures for yourself Isaiah 43:6-7, Psalm 29:2, and 1 Corinthians 10:31

These scriptures speak about what we are created for and how what we do should bring honor to God.  So when it comes to asking what we should be doing now.. Right now we should understand whose image we are created in; make sure we give God who created us Glory in all we do. We can’t get so busy we forget to give praise and honor to our marvelous Heavenly Father and Creator. 

I speak not as someone bigger or better or hollier than the next. I speak as someone who still has to speak this over myself to remind me I belong to God, my life is his, and I must worship him with Holiness and with love. 

Blessings to you all

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