The Gaps in life …. or so it seems

They say , those who say things, that in life you don’t really know your strength or your weakness until you are faced with the challenges of life . I mean real challenge. Marriage , parenting, spirituality , you name it and I have been in it in the last 6 months. I have just about lost my mind. Now don’t get me wrong here, I know God has the last and final say and I know he will work it out. However, going through the trials even with this knowledge does not lessen the sting nor the mental fatigue that causes this . I feel like I am about to bust, then the light bulb goes off. At the fresh new age of 36 I notice that I operate out of chaos. That in itself is not good nor I am I ashamed because I am one of many. Oh don’t stand and read this post and think that you are so above this because we ALL do it. Maybe not to the degree of some or others but we do. So then , how do we stop it? How do we change a patter that was either taught or we viewed our entire lives?

Well here is what I choose to do. I am choosing to let God deal and me do me. Its sound selfish but hear me out. On average a person is in one of 2 categories? The giver or the taker or both. Which means you wear one had one scope of view or many hats or personalities just to manage the day to day. So when do you take it off? When do your debrief or let go of the worries? Do you ever?

See we have to show up for everyone and never rarely do we show up for us.

Us? That’s a thing. Yes we have to show up for us!

So while we are in this Gap of life and the season is changing choose for yourself to take off all the hats and garments of life stress and decide to let God, light and love reign. To no longer let anyone or anything mainly the evil one stop you from finding peace and joy and sharing it . We have be robbed for Too Long of this gift and we find gaps of happy times because of it.

So with my tears and my heart on my sleeve at times in pieces, I am going to finally choose to live in light and peace and joy .