When life continues to happen

So life has a way of sometimes knocking you down. This week is no different. With our car and main transportation down due to no fault of our own( another story), and having to miss work , I notice something about me that I thought I would share because it may not be just me. I sat at my desk Thursday and thought about how when things in life happen, that causes a ” true” stop in how we do life, I don’t handle it as I should on a interpersonal level. So here is some of things I notice .

Lack of Desire to….

So when the car went down , I found my self in a space of why bother mode. I was not in to mode to give me or my husband a pep talk or reassurance because I felt like the when was taken out of me. Mentally I know God is always there and is present. Also felt that in those moments I just didn’t wanna attempt the “Get up and Go” vibe when we could not literary get up and go .


I am a A type personality and a worrier. I know I know , if you pray why worry. Which I believe in prayer and let’s be real in our flesh , we are still a bit worried about the ” what if” , and the ” how will we” aspects of it all. For us and our kids we have to make sure we can both get to work and attend to the needs of the children. I worried about our bills and if I miss work how it would effect me from an attendance standpoint. Plus, it’s also bad for my heath .

Now what stage

I notice this over coffee that I have to avoid these stages of depression because that is what it is, and look for the better way to deal when life is full of uncertainties. Here is what I have come up with and you tell me if these have worked or not for you or someone you know.

  1. Meditation– There is not a science to this but in my opinion , this is where you need to clear your thoughts and sit quietly to allow God to speak to you . Allow yourself to take what is happening to you to be sorted, addressed, unpacked, and then released.

2. Find stress releaser- For some its sports, for others like me is music and tea. Find what works for you but be consistent which is where I have fell short . Make sure you work on intentionally having this as a ready card and access it often just not when it is all bad. Make sure that you are taking time to release stress and make your life a little better.

3. Look at the situation for what it is, then look for resolution– So not all problems or challenges come with an easy fix. Like us, we have to have a repair and that can take time . Make sure to look at the issue with a view of , what is the impact, what is the best way to fix it, and how can I minimized catastrophic impact. You may want to make sure that you have conversations about this with your family, partner, or spouse on how , what, when, and where. For example, Uber has been my friend and yes its costly, but its better than being out of a job.

Take Away…....

Life is an experience and each day we are to learn a deeper lesson than the day before. I heard that you die once, so why not live this life fully and gratefully because all the worries and responsibilities will be here. If you died, or rather when our time comes, those responsibilities would get passed on to someone else. Why stress on them while we are here. I decided to no longer do it and I hope you do too..