Rest, Renew, and Refresh . How do you get it in?

Before you read this, I am discussing rest and some of it comes from my knowledge of the WORD, and a Spiritual level so if this offends in anyway you might wanna not read after the period.

You know since the beginning of time, God has made sure we were aware that time is important. God gave us a time set aside for rest and for renewal which is called the Sabbath which is from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday. This is our rest. How ever we live in a get up a go go go world and we can get pulled in to that ever so quickly. My question today is how do you get your rest or renewal ? What is your down time and what and how do you juggle it all? Well here are a few tips I have for achieving rest , renewal , and having healthy outlook.


Your mind must be emptied. You have to have a time where you are mindful of the need to stop and refresh and then do just that stop. For me that mean turning of my social media notifications, not answering text messages that are not of an emergency, and make it known if needed that you intended to take a day to your self to decompress. If you are like me and grew up learning about Jesus then this should all make since and you can refer to the book of Genesis for an idea of what that means when I say REST.


Get out in to the nature and experience a peaceful interaction with the world. A walk in a park or a spacious area . Nothing better than giving yourself a healthy dose of nature, fresh air, and the sounds and sites of creation. You not only change your environment for a while, you get to stretch your legs and get some movement which is always a plus.


I as eluted to earlier, God gave us a time specific to spending time in Rest and with him. Its called the Sabbath and there has always been a debate on it. Lets just used what we have which is the Bible. You can read for yourself a few of these verse that establish the day of Rest, what you are to do in that day, and Jesus reminding that the laws of Moses ,or Mosaic laws as they are called were not changed by him or anyone else. This is not me forcing my belief but if you are interested in this here are the scriptures you can check out. Exodus 20:8-11, Genesis 2:1-3 , and Matthew 5:17. I recommend if you do read these you can use and choose the Message translation so these make more since to you.


You got to remember the things in this life, the obligations, and the responsibilities, are not going to work out if you are burnt out. You have to recharge. You have to make You a priority so you can show up as your best self and be not only productive but to ensure you give your best to all that you do. Not if you don’t believe in God this does not mean you can’t have rest. You can chose what your NO is or your Boundries. Make it known if needed and be intentional and make that time to rest, renew, and refresh.

Hair is Hair . Learning to love my natural hair.

Natural Hair me please! 

That is what this Oreo screams sometimes. See I have type4c hair and it has never done what I wanted. I have studied cosmetology in high school and what I have learned over the years with my hair is this, she, my hair, hates heat and she only thrives from being straight.
I have not had a perm or any perm in over 3 yrs and I shaved my hair twice since. My hair only grows, but it is never the way most black women hair grows  out. So I decided that I would really commit to hair care this time around and here is where I am so far. I am being vulnerable here so be kind and if you have nothing kind to say please keep it to yourself.  My husband told me in early last month to try just wearing my wigs. Meanwhile, wash my hair twice a week and oil it daily with oils that promote growth. I figured I would try his idea. I am here to tell you that is way works! Now  a month later, my hair is not only growing, I have twisted underneath my wig. They are baby twits, but boy does it have a bounce to them or spring action maybe.  I learn that I can commit to something that is going to be good for me and good to me. Have you had something that you wanted to make better or change for the better?  Has that change helped or did it set you back in a way? Share in the comments and here are some photos of my hair journey thus far. I’m keeping it real and suffering from Alopecia as I have most of my life is as real as it can get. 

9/26/21 /10 My first time twisting its these were in bigger parts.
10/10/21 my twist after oiling my hair. Able to do smaller twist now.
Can’t wait to see what they will look like come December !

Mental heath

Yesterday was world mental health day. This day brings awareness to the need for focusing on one’s mental health and to think of those who struggle silently. So here is my call to this epidemic. Men and women, black or white, teens and old alike, we have to take care of ourselves mentally, physically and spirituality. Make sure to reach out to family, friends, or local support groups if you are having a hard time with the day to day mental battles. You are stronger than you know and you win when you are in control of your mental health. For more info /resources here are a few to start with: