2020 Adios’

Hey and howdy all. I know it has been too long and I wish that it hadn’t. I was busier more now than before. Anywho who else is glad to see 2020 leave us? Me for sure. I will be honest 2020 gave me somethings that I wouldn’t get in any other way and here are 3 of those things that 2020 gave to me.

  1. Personal Growth- I learned more about myself, who I am now, and who I want to be because I was forced to deal with me. No workplace interaction or any working outside the home distractions. I spent more time with my Savior, my kids, and my husband. I was able to see where I needed improvement and where I needed to remove/cut out things from my life. It’s a work in progress, but it is very important to be the best version of yourself.
  2. My health – I learned in 2020 that my health has to take priority. With me having to have a total hysterectomy in August, I learned that if I don’t take care of my body it will not take care of me. I realize that I can eat clean and enjoy food! I also cooked more this year and learned how to cook with veggies and keto-friendly items.
  3. Gratidue- I learn to be more grateful and to complain less. Unfortunately, so many across our globe lose many friends and loved ones, and jobs. The thought of losing it all is deafening. However, being grateful for what you do have, for what is working for you, is what is important. You can take yourself out of the equation and appreciate the good in life and that way when you have the bad, you can use your positive light to navigate through.

Its my hope that in 2021 we are blessed and walk in to a better year and that we strive to be better and do better. Until then … be great!