What is “Self Care” Day?

During times likes these, now more than ever, ones’ mental and physical health is important. In fact, experts say it goes on the top priority list of how to cope with the pandemic. So how does self-care impact you? What can you do right now just with what you have at home? Well, I am here to help. 

                                     Here are my Top 5 Self Care tips just for you!

    1. Music– Yes that’s right! Music. Music can not only get the party going, but it can relax you, and that allows your body to release chemicals and endorphins to aid in de-stressing. Whether it’s Classical by Beethoven or Jazz by Ella Fitzgerald,  music is able to put you in any mood or state of mind you wish. Featured Jazz Playlist from Spotify.
    2.  A Quite space– Space can make all the difference. As mentioned in my post discussing work from home, you need to make sure to separate yourself from stress. Using your bedroom or a space in a corner of the living room with a comfortable chair can help you to think in peace. Adding a plant or a book or two in the area allows this to be the brain dump space as I call it. 
    3. Spoil your body- Did you know that what you smell can relax you?  Having a flower or aroma that is inviting can change your outlook and mood. A warm bath, a foot soak, or a full-on pampering session in your home will not only relax your tense muscles, but this also allows you to focus on your body, your spirit, and mind in one setting. You can check out this link from Five and Below’s Bath and Body.  You can buy these items  $5 bucks or less that can aid in creating the perfect setting.  Five and Below-Bath&Body
    4. Food- What you eat can cause you to feel your best or your worst. When you think of self-care the mental is key but the physical is just as important. Feeding your body more veggies and fruit and less processed foods.  This will aid greatly in digestive health, less brain fog, improved focus, and fewer chances of health issues. 
    5. Journaling– I started in May2020  using the Exhale Journal by Coleysia, Exhale Journal. This is a journal with prompts to allow you to write out feelings and emotions but to also allow you to find gratitude in each day. Having the opportunity to focus on the positive and the good is important. With all this doom and gloom, having an opportunity to address the bad and then to redefine whats good and truly a blessing allows you to have mental clarity. 

I hope these tips finds you in good health or help improve it! If you have suggestions on things you have personally found as your “Self Care” let me know in the comments. 


Locs of Love

As a Pisces, our characteristics are water signs that are free-spirited individuals. I can surely say that is me for sure. I have alopecia which is hereditary and has plagued me all my life. With me having health issues to boot, healthy hair is hard to keep or come by. So when I do have some hair on my head,  or what has in the passed worked was having locs. Now locs are for some is the locking up of your natural hair. If you are like me that may not be an option, but plan B is. My plan B was yarn locs. I purchase 100% acrylic yarn from the local Walmart.  I have loved my experience.  I pick a color that speaks to my mood and I feel liberated. I have off and on done this since 2015 and I have had the most fun with it. With colors, you can do it all. Here are a few of my favs and pics of the growth after taking them down.  What is your “labor of love” or your “liberation” that you do that frees you in a way that nothing else does?


Friends in the unlikely places

So to give some context, I have been suffering from severe iron deficiency for about 8 months and have to have iron infusions to replace what I lose after my monthly cycle. While at my last fusion, I met a friend. A bubbly woman. I won’t share the name out of respect, but let me share how refreshing it was to meet her acquaintance. She mentioned that she teaches cultural differences and we spoke a great deal on that. I loved her enthusiasm on those parts of cultures and what makes them interesting and educating one’s self on who we are. We spoke about it all, my background and hers, BLM, and ignorance of those who are not willing to learn. What I realized was that COVID has robbed us of the human interaction to the point that we are like Kindgnerarderns. For use, it’s the first day of school and we are interacting in a safe way. We all, not just us two, were speaking with glee, even though we are here for severe health issues like cancer, iron issues, or other illnesses. We found hope and happiness in sharing. Sharing our hobbies and talents, and speaking about who we are in our own “show in tell”,  that was birth out of just seeing a new person. So, safety, if you can, take advantage of that time to share a smile and hello. A great conversation is giving gifts of happiness and education. While you add it, add them to your email or social media friend list and keep in touch. Not sure when we will see each other again in the public but to find a friend in this climate, is the best gift so far that I got on today.


Neccessary Trouble

Growing up in Birmingham, Al, going to school here in the city, I honestly can’t remember being taught about this great man who recently passed. If I was, there was not enough emphasis on his deeds. This man, or as he was called, “the boy from Troy”, John Robert Lewis was a giant in the Civil Rights Movement. I learned more about him in the last few years and weeks than I did coming up which is sad. This man worked tirelessly and nearly lost his life every time, so that we may have the rights we were due.

On the day of his funeral, an essay he wrote and sent to the New York Times was published, as instructed by him, on the day of his funeral. He was impressed and filled with the hope of the new movement that was happening. As I watched his service via video as most of the country, I was left with one question. How does a man this extraordinary, make it to where he did and we still find ourselves losing the rights he and others fought and died for?

As a woman in her 30s, a wife and mom, I am often looking to see what is the reason for why things are. I always want to know how it impacts me and my family.

Now, my question is simple,  what “Good” trouble awaits?   We have to be willing to get into the struggle and fight for the rights of others and us all. John Lewis’s life was one to be seen as an example of how to use inner strength, the study of the issues at hand, and organizing. We as a country in 2020 have to decide which side of history we want to be on. The Lord created us all. We are his beautiful children. Our race, color, and creed is not a concern of his, but the health of our souls is. My soul wants peace, love, and the world to turn away from this evil that is the Racial divide. It’s a tall order, it will cause you to lose friends and possible associations with people. It can start trouble, as John would put it, “Necessary Trouble.”