
So I was out over the weekend and use my camera to take pics of random sites that I thought was interesting to me it was only these to but it’s always good to get out safely, a simple car ride.

The flag. This is the largest that I have ever seen.
 The famous Alabama theater, which was renovated recently

Five ways you can make working from home a breeze

Currently,  we are in a new normal. With a pandemic that doesn’t have a clear end in sight, we have to now adapt to what is the norm. For some, it’s face masks all day at work, for others like you and me,  its remote work. So how can you make working from home a smooth transition, here are a few ways you can make that could work for you.

1: Space

Your workspace is going to play a major role in how you work. You want the area to be away from distractions such as kids, pets(if possible) , and tv sets. What I suggest is adding some fun items to the area. In my personal workspace, I have drawings from my kids, bible quotes, and a flower I got from DollarTree to bring life to the area.

2: Lighting

With lighting, it can have a good and bad experience so its important that if your area allows it, have some type of window space with blinds. This way if the light becomes too much you can dem it to your liking. It also is cool to have when even the raining days come to bring a calming effect to a stressful day.

3: Music

So music is a mood booster in any setting. Having music can create a warm atmosphere that allows good vibes to come and hang.  Because most of our work at home may be customer-oriented I would recommend having the music across the room from your work area and a suitable level so you are able to hear your customer and not allow the music to become a distraction.

4: Chair

Your chair is everything to this process. The chair makes this smooth transition almost complete. You want to make sure you have a chair that is going to provide back support and comfort as you are seated in this chair for 4 to 8 hours a day.


5: Leave work at work

When you have ended the day and its time to clock out, make it your practice to leave the workspace, not live in it. Although we are all remote now, you have to have some distance. Make sure you have your breaks and lunches away from the workspace too.  Having the distance makes it easy to mentally separate work from personal, even though its right down the hall.

Why do they hate us?

So somehow, someway, I was compelled to write. It was birth out of the prayer that I had with my older two children. And it was then that I knew the gift that I was not sure I had any more, the gift I had been praying for in the past few weeks, was finally realized. I was to write. My grandmother, an author, and writer herself had a way with words. She had written many church-stage plays in her day that started my mother and father when they were teens. She wrote for the Birmingham Times often. So here I am, writing about the Sin we are facing that is one of many. Race and injustice. As a mom of boys and a girl, in 2020, it should be a crime to have to take time to explain the same thing that was explained to me. I myself, coming up I knew color existed. I had too. When I met my dad at age 5, sadly I looked at my mom and said,” Mom he not my dad, he white!” I would later learn my father is made up of Syrian, Black, Puerto Rican, and Black Foot Indian to name a few. My father’s dad, my poppa, was just as fair-skinned on the outside, he looks like a white man, but he was all those things and more that I mentioned. So, I was opened to race young. And I loved being able to be in a diverse world. The world, however, did not love us. These are the issues we still face today.  As I listen to Public Enemy and type out my thoughts, I have only one ask for my white brothers and sisters….
Listen. Just listen. Stop thinking and overthinking, Stop saying All lives matter and quoting to us the words of black leaders that we grew up learning. Listen to us. It is wrong to hate and moreover it is wrong to hate us for our beautiful, multicolor, multifaceted skin. This is not even a white vs black thing. It’s a Racism vs Equality. You say that we are ghetto and are waiting for a handout, but you enjoy our culture and our jokes and music. You want to be validated in your feelings and you hide behind the” I have a black friend and I love them” bit. You want to use the old sage song of ” We are all God’s children.”. Here is what you fail to understand. Racial equality has nothing to do with us wanting anything from you or needing you to give us something. It has to do with us being given what we deserve. We deserve to be treated like the human beings we were created as. Our women should not be worried about our brothers, fathers, and husbands making it home. Many of us, are on the phones, running our social media live video feeds to make sure we are seen in case something happens with the police. That has been proven as no good because Sean Read on his social media live when the cops murdered him unarmed. This showed us the brutality of the police, but it still claimed his life.


So, we are tired of the quiet voices that walk by and shake your heads. We are tired of the dirty looks given when you see a black family, whole with the Man leading his black woman and children. We are done with the remarks you make and the expectations you have for us to remain silent. We are done watching old statues of the past reminding us that we are still chained. Our Lord in heaven freed the children of Israel and he will free us. We have put you on notice, we have finally gotten tired of your tired and old tactics. So unless you want to be stomped out by the movement…. take a moment to decide in your soul, what you are. Or in the words of our Father in Heaven, ” who do you say I am”